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Professor Jinyan Huang Delivered a Keynote Speech at the Seventh Jiangsu University Teaching Salon Held by the School of Foreign Languages

Publishing Date: 2022-04-30 Number of visitors:

On the afternoon of April 27th, 2022, Professor Jinyan Huang, Director of the Evidence-based Research Center for Educational Assessment, was invited to deliver a keynote speech at the Seventh Jiangsu University Teaching Salon Held by the School of Foreign Languages. The title of his speech was: College English Teachers' Assessment Literacy: Assessment Of, For, and As Learning. This online speech attracted 200 teachers and students from the University.

Starting from defining and discussing several basic terms and concepts such as assessment, testing, measurement, and evaluation, Professor Huang clarified the relationships among teaching, learning, assessment, and research in ESL and EFL education, and shared the international TESOL standards with the audience. He defined the term college English teachers assessment literacy and introduced his assessment literacy framework in the context of ESL and EFL education. He then focused on the discussion of assessment of, for, and as learning in ESL and EFL education as well as their implications for Chinese college English teachers. During the Q & A session at the end of his speech, Professor Huang answered a few questions asked by the professors and faculty members.

After Professor Huangs keynote speech, Professor Peng Wu, Associate Dean of the School of Foreign Languages made the following closing remarks on the speech. Professor Huangs keynote speech was a great success. It was formative, inspiring, and beneficial for the audience. He invited Professor Huang to deliver more future speeches and lectures at the School of Foreign Languages.

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