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Jinyan Huang



Position:Director of The Research Institute for Educational Assessment and Research Methodology (RIEARM) 

Research direction:educational measurement and research methodology



o Earned a Ph.D. in educational measurement and research methodology from Queen’s University in Canada

o Previously held a tenured full professorship at Niagara University in the United States

o Editor-in-Chief, International Journal of TESOL and Learning

o Founding Editor, Leadership and Policy Quarterly, Language and Communication Quarterly

o SSCI Journal Reviewer, Assessing Writing, TESOL Quarterly, Modern Language Journal, and Language Assessment Quarterly

o Completed over 20 funded research projected in Canada, the United States, and China

o Published 16 books and 66 SSCI and other international journal articles

o Successfully supervised 20 Ph.D. dissertations in the United States

CV_Jinyan Huang .pdf